How to Read Guitar Fretboard Diagrams For Beginners

total beginners Oct 13, 2020

Hey guys, Brad Litton from here with another total beginner guitar lesson for you. Today we're going to look at how to read guitar fretboard diagrams for beginners. This video is part of the Total Beginner series of guitar tutorials aimed at getting you up off the ground with...

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How to Read Scale Diagrams For Beginners

total beginners Oct 12, 2020

In today's Total Beginner guitar lesson we're going to look at how to read scale diagrams on guitar for beginners. When I first saw scale diagrams years ago when I was teaching myself how to play guitar, I was confused as heck. I didn't know what to do, or where to start, or how I was supposed...
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How to Strum Guitar Chords For Beginners

total beginners Oct 10, 2020

How to strum guitar chords for beginners is the topic in today's guitar tutorial for beginners. Today we're breaking down the most fundamental aspects of strumming chords on electric guitar and acoustic guitar. These total beginner guitar lessons will show you how to play guitar from absolute...
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How to Read Guitar Chord Diagrams For Beginners

total beginners Oct 09, 2020

In this free guitar tutorial for beginners we're going to talk about how to read guitar chord diagrams for beginners. This is one of the most fundamental ways that we as guitar players communicate how to play different guitar chords, so being able to read guitar chord diagrams will make it easy...
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How to Hold the Guitar For Beginners

total beginners Oct 08, 2020

Today's beginner guitar lesson is all about how to hold the guitar for beginners with guitar teacher Brad Litton from How you hold your guitar will affect your technique & can make it easier or harder for you to play, especially when you're playing lower on the neck.
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How to Pick a Guitar String for Beginners

total beginners Oct 07, 2020

How to pick a guitar string for beginners is one thing that will make or break your guitar playing. Hey guys, Brad Litton from here with another Total Beginner guitar lesson for you. Today's guitar tutorial is a short one about the guitar tips and tricks on how to pick strings...
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How to Hold a Guitar Pick for Beginners

Uncategorized Oct 06, 2020

How to hold a guitar pick for beginners is what we're talking about in today's Total Beginner guitar lesson. This is one of the most basic things when learning how to play guitar, but can be easy to get wrong. When you get how to hold a pick, or plectrum, it will make playing easier on acoustic...
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How to Hold Down a Not on Guitar For Beginners

total beginners Oct 05, 2020

Today's guitar lesson video is all about how to hold down a note on guitar for beginners. This seems super basic and simple but a lot of guitar players make some common mistakes when the fret notes on the guitar. This total beginner guitar lesson with guitar teacher Brad Litton of...

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How to Tune Your Guitar

total beginners Oct 03, 2020

In today's guitar lesson video we're talking about how to tune your guitar for beginners. Hey guys, Brad Litton from here today to show you how to tune your guitar using a guitar tuner. In future videos I'll show you how you can tune your guitar to itself using other...
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How to Read Guitar Tab for Beginners

total beginners Oct 02, 2020

How to read guitar tab for beginners is the topic of the day for this guitar lesson for beginners. Hey guys, Brad Litton from here to help you out with more guitar tutorials. Today we're talking about how to ready guitar tab, or tablature if you want to be accurate. Guitar tab...

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50% Complete

A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.