Why Do You Play Guitar? The Golden Circle of Learning Guitar

mindset & motivation Oct 24, 2020

Why do you play guitar? Have you ever asked yourself that question? Today we're talking about some of the principles from Simon Sinek's book "Start With Why" & how understanding WHY you play guitar will help you in your guitar journey. Knowing your 'Why' is called understanding The Golden Circle because when you understand your purpose, it makes everything clearer & will boost your guitar progress.

Hey guys, Brad Litton, guitar teacher from here with another guitar lesson for beginners. Not every guitar tutorial helps you with the mindset and motivation part of playing guitar, but that's our aim today instead of just loading you with more guitar tips and tricks.

These are AFFILIATE links. If you buy these books through these links, it helps me out & I appreciate it, but if you don't, I still think you should get these books some other way :)

Pick up Simon Sinek's book Start With Why here:

Pick up Simon Sinek's book Find Your Why here:

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Find Out The Top 10 Things To Learn On Guitar First

A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.

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A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.