✅ 🎸 ✅ 🤘 You deserve to feel like a rock star! Pick up The Top 10 Things to Learn on Guitar First by going to http://simpleguitar.com/top10 to get my free 17 page guide that will help you have more fun & get more bang for your buck out of your playing.
1:35 - 1st Spider Walk Finger Exercise
3:09 - 2nd Spider Walk Finger Exercise
6:00 - 3rd Spider Walk Finger Exercise 7:37 - 4th Spider Walk Finger Exercise
Today's beginner guitar lesson is a practice along video where you get to work on the spider walk finger exercise with me! Hey guys, Brad Litton from SimpleGuitar.com with another guitar lesson for beginners & today we're not talking as much, we're diving into training using one of the best finger exercises for beginners - the spider walk! So pick up your guitar and practice along with me rather than just looking for more information!
Playing and working at things is what's going to make you a better guitar player faster. Today's finger exercise is called the spider walk and we're going to do 4 variations of this exercise. With only 4 minutes to do this, your fingers will be warmed up and ready to go. Hope it helps!
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A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.
I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.
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A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.
I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.