How to Make Your Strum Patterns Sound Better

playing technique Dec 10, 2020

How to make your strum patterns sound better is more about being creative with how you play rhythms than it is about learning different rhythms to strum. Hey guys, Brad Litton from here with another guitar lesson for beginners. Today I'm going to show you a couple of guitar strumming tips that you can use with any strum pattern that you already know to make them sound more interesting & different.
"I need to learn more strum patterns" is a common thing I hear as a guitar teacher. Or "I'm playing the same strum pattern all the time" but really what needs to happen is you need to change up HOW you're playing the strum patterns you know. It doesn't matter if you're playing acoustic guitar or electric guitar, too. If you're trying to learn how to strum different patterns on guitar, it's not just about the rhythm that you play, it's about HOW you play that rhythm. Which strums are you playing louder? Which strums are you playing quieter? Are you playing every string the entire time? Considering these things from today's guitar tutorial will enhance your guitar strumming techniques & make you sound awesome.
0:00 - Intro
1:07 - The Real Purpose of Learning Strum Patterns
2:11 - Tip #1 - Spice things up with ACCENTS
3:23 - The control strum pattern - no accents
4:59 - Accenting beats 2 & 4
6:18 - Accenting beat 3
8:07 - Accenting beat 2 & the "and of 4"
9:47 - 3-3-2 accent pattern
11:11 - The flip side of accenting
11:32 - Play fewer strings in your chords to make accents jump out
12:39 - Example accenting beats 2 & 4 with fewer strings played
13:02 - Example accenting beat 3 with fewer strings played
14:43 - Go try out your own strum patterns with accents
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Find Out The Top 10 Things To Learn On Guitar First

A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.

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A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.