Learn Everything on Guitar Better & Faster With This ONE Trick

Hey guys! Brad Litton from here with another guitar lesson for beginners. This one will help you out even if you've been playing guitar for awhile, too! Today I'm going to show you a simple guitar trick that will make learning anything you do on guitar easier & faster. You'll have better recall & deeper learning, too! I got today's guitar tip from the book Make It Stick, which everyone should read, it's a great book about learning & everything in it can be applied to learning guitar.

One of the main concepts in the book is the effect of having to recall information leads to much deeper learning than solely repetition. When it comes to learning guitar, one of the best things you can do to have to recall things is to immediately get creative with whatever you're learning. Whether it's a new scale, a new chord, a new lick, whatever it is, get it under your fingers & then get creative with it right away. This will help you learn guitar better way, way, way faster.

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Find Out The Top 10 Things To Learn On Guitar First

A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.

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50% Complete

A lot of the advice on what to do when you start learning guitar comes from the thinking "That's how I learned, so everyone must learn that way", but that isn't always the best advice.

I'll help you with 10 kinda counter-intuitive things you should learn on guitar first that will give you the most bang for your buck so that you can go from being a beginner to feeling like a confident guitar player that wows your friends in less time.